Articles, essays and pieces of interest related to sacred geometry and landscape meets quantum physics and the electric universe Ancient Quantum Technology I was recently asked whether ancient man, stone circle creator, was capable of building structures that worked on a quantum, multidimensional level, and there are in reality at least two answers...more Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Whilst observing what Reich likened to 'bions' which were named and researched by H. Charlton Bastian, a contemporary of Louis Pasteur, he noticed some very strange side effects...more Gateways to the Gods The question of who constructed the ancient and sacred sites of England and indeed the world, and more importantly, why? has vexed modern historians and archaeologists alike for well over a century and yet the answer may be found in mathematics that is thousands of years old, and up to the minute science that is arriving at remarkable conclusions and world shaking results every second...more An Interview With Steve Mitchell Listen to Jenny from Esoteric Online Radio talk to Steve Mitchell about ley lines...more Crop Circles - Magic or Man? Whilst flying high in the sky overlooking the beautiful, awe-inspiring country side around Avebure, Wiltshire, UK, I was lucky enough to witness the phenomenum of crop circles from a very distinct advantage point....more Pythagoras and Dimensions One of the first acknowledged scientists was Pythagoras, 6th century BCE Greek mathematician and philosopher. Believing that numbers were the ultimate reality, the Pythagorean school extrapolated a mathematical and philosophical model of the entire dimensional universe from this conjecture....more |